
Freeze-dried bacterial strains CultiControl:

CultiControl Instructions for Use (English, Italiano)
CultiControl Recommended Growth Methods
Quanti-CultiControl Instructions for Use (English)
Quanti-CultiControl Recommended Growth Methods
Quanti-CultiControl Illustrated Instructions
CultiControl MSDS English
CultiControl MSDS Italiano
CultiControl MSDS Russian
CultiControl NCTC MSDS English
CultiControl NCTC MSDS Italiano
ATCC Account Registration


The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem, the ATCC Licensed Derivative word mark and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. Liofilchem® s.r.l. is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from ATCC® cultures. Look for the ATCC Licensed Derivative® Emblem for products derived from ATCC® cultures.


NCTC® is a registered trademark of Public Health England. Liofilchem is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from NCTC® cultures.

Mask Group
Mask group Liofilchem